Friday, May 17, 2013

The Tale of a Lime Green Bow

Every so often I have a bow that just doesn't "pop" as I had originally envisioned.  So today I am going to tell my tale of the Lime Green Bow.

I had a request from a friend who asked for a lime green colored bow, similar to a Fluffy Red Bow I had done at Christmas time.  When I started out I had a hard time finding different textures and prints for just plain lime green, and I felt that the lime alone was just too strong.

I did find some fun lime green and white polka-dot ribbon, so I came up with this creation:

I emailed the creation to my friend and she asked that it be more of the solid lime green color.  I like to make sure that anyone who I make bows for gets a bow that they love, as I know how challenging it can be to find just the perfect bow, which is why I started making custom bows in the first place.  So I went back to work to create a plain lime bow, resulting in another trip to Joann's,  Michael's, and Hobby Lobby to see if I could find any other ribbon to bring an all-Lime bow to life.  I found some additional options and went back to work.

I came up with this creation next:

I emailed this one off to my friend to see what she thought and went to bed.  The next morning I looked at it and didn't like it, it was just to blah to me.  So I once again hit Hobby Lobby hoping to find something to help this poor bow.

Back to work I went to create the perfect lime green bow, and I came up with this creation:

Once again I emailed it off and went back to bed.  By the next morning I still did not feel in love with the bow and decided I would give it one more shot.  It was missing something that I just couldn't capture.

I put my kids to bed that evening and decided to come up with several options and came up with 8 different combinations and emailed them off to my friend to see what she liked the best.

The top row of bows consisted of all lime green ribbon, which I felt just made it too overpowering.  The second row of bows consisted of the Lime Green polka dots with a white background, giving the bows a softer look.

In the end I ended up with two bows that I finished off and loved.

Here are the final results:

This top one was sent off to my friend and I loved the sparkle the green polka dot ribbon added along with some marabou puff under the flower to give it a little extra surprise and of course the green and white polka-dot ribbon on bottom gives the bow a nice soft touch.  In all it provided the perfect amount of "POP" for this bow.

This bottom creation I finished off for my own girls and I love the peak-a-boo white marabou along with the green and white polka-dot ribbon on the bottom with the final touch of a green rhinestone added to the center of the flower.

I even made a headband for my Baby girl with the green and white polka dot ribbons, white and green marabou and then topped it off with a white flower:

I made the mistake of having my husband proof-read this and now that he knows how many trips I made to craft stores, and how many hours I spent in the design process he thinks I should increase my prices by 654.3725%.  (Thanks babe for proof-reading, you know I like any excuse to visit the craft stores...)

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