Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Flapper Headband

I had the fun request to make a Flapper Headband for a Halloween this year.  The costume had come with a simple standard Flapper Headband and the Mom wanted something more original and true to the era.  I looked online for ideas for a true era Flapper Headband and then went to work creating a simple yet fun Headband.

The Headband turned out fabulous (and lucky for me, my baby girl may be able to borrow and wear this costume in a few years).

My two oldest daughters had so much fun acting as models and trying on the headband.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Apple Dumpling Costume

With Halloween coming the end of this month, I am preparing my Children's Halloween costumes.  Although I told myself that I did not have time to make costumes this year and told my kids that we would pick them out at the store.  I find myself making them.  My Husband actually prefers Homemade Costumes over store bought.  As I got out the Halloween Decoration and Costumes, I came across the first costume I had made for my oldest daughter.

I had made her an Apple Dumpling costume.  It was her first Halloween and I really wanted to make her a costume, as my own Mother had made most of our Halloween costumes.  I went to the Fabric Store one evening with my daughter and perused the pattern books and came across an Apple Dumpling Costume.  Being that my daughter was only 7 months old at the time, there wasn't very many costumes in her size to choose from.

I spent several evenings working on her costume, but the end result was adorable.  She was so cute, and I am sad to say that it was never worn again.  My other 2 girls were summer babies and therefore this costume was a a bit too big for a 2 or 3 month old.  Maybe one day it will be worn again.


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