Thursday, May 30, 2013

Patriotic Fun

I am feeling very patriotic this year and have gotten a jump start on my kiddos 4th of July accessories.  

Since I am feeling so festive, for anyone interested in having one of these cute accessories for their own kiddos, I have included the price with each photo.  I have limited numbers of each one. I will even ship to those who are out of state or my local area (Salt Lake to Layton) for a charge of $2.50 for the first item and 0.25 for each additional. 

Red, white and Blue Fluffer Bow - $5 (only 4 left)

Red, white and blue Flower Bow - $5 (only 6 left)

Blue, white and red Flower Bow - $5 (only 4 left)

RWB Feather Headband: $10 (supplies are very limited on this one) - Only 2 available (can also be put on a regular headband)

Star Spangled Shabby Headband: $5 (3 left)

Red White and Blue Rosettes: $8 (can also be put on a regular headband)

 Red, White and Blue Doggie Tie - None Available

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Red, White and Blue

I have recently seen a lot of Red, White and Blue in the stores and online, which is making me feel extra patriotic this year.  For the past two years, we have not decorated for the Month of July due to craziness in our lives, but this year it will be different.  I am looking forward to a mild summer and spending lots of time with my family.  Due to my Husband serving in the Armed Forces, we are going to celebrate it right this year (BBQ's, parades and Fireworks).  So to start it out right, I have started creating fun things.  Stay tuned for some fun 4th of July creations:

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Tale of a Lime Green Bow

Every so often I have a bow that just doesn't "pop" as I had originally envisioned.  So today I am going to tell my tale of the Lime Green Bow.

I had a request from a friend who asked for a lime green colored bow, similar to a Fluffy Red Bow I had done at Christmas time.  When I started out I had a hard time finding different textures and prints for just plain lime green, and I felt that the lime alone was just too strong.

I did find some fun lime green and white polka-dot ribbon, so I came up with this creation:

I emailed the creation to my friend and she asked that it be more of the solid lime green color.  I like to make sure that anyone who I make bows for gets a bow that they love, as I know how challenging it can be to find just the perfect bow, which is why I started making custom bows in the first place.  So I went back to work to create a plain lime bow, resulting in another trip to Joann's,  Michael's, and Hobby Lobby to see if I could find any other ribbon to bring an all-Lime bow to life.  I found some additional options and went back to work.

I came up with this creation next:

I emailed this one off to my friend to see what she thought and went to bed.  The next morning I looked at it and didn't like it, it was just to blah to me.  So I once again hit Hobby Lobby hoping to find something to help this poor bow.

Back to work I went to create the perfect lime green bow, and I came up with this creation:

Once again I emailed it off and went back to bed.  By the next morning I still did not feel in love with the bow and decided I would give it one more shot.  It was missing something that I just couldn't capture.

I put my kids to bed that evening and decided to come up with several options and came up with 8 different combinations and emailed them off to my friend to see what she liked the best.

The top row of bows consisted of all lime green ribbon, which I felt just made it too overpowering.  The second row of bows consisted of the Lime Green polka dots with a white background, giving the bows a softer look.

In the end I ended up with two bows that I finished off and loved.

Here are the final results:

This top one was sent off to my friend and I loved the sparkle the green polka dot ribbon added along with some marabou puff under the flower to give it a little extra surprise and of course the green and white polka-dot ribbon on bottom gives the bow a nice soft touch.  In all it provided the perfect amount of "POP" for this bow.

This bottom creation I finished off for my own girls and I love the peak-a-boo white marabou along with the green and white polka-dot ribbon on the bottom with the final touch of a green rhinestone added to the center of the flower.

I even made a headband for my Baby girl with the green and white polka dot ribbons, white and green marabou and then topped it off with a white flower:

I made the mistake of having my husband proof-read this and now that he knows how many trips I made to craft stores, and how many hours I spent in the design process he thinks I should increase my prices by 654.3725%.  (Thanks babe for proof-reading, you know I like any excuse to visit the craft stores...)


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