Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fall Porch Garland

Garland has hung from our porch each fall since we purchased our first home.  My mother had given me a large grapevine garland so I put it to use.  I soaked it and then stretched it across our cute little bungalow porch.  I then added leaf garland, sunflowers, and plastic gourds to it (my husband drilled all the holes needed in the gourds to attach them).
Over the next eight years I added more leaves and flowers to the garland.  It has always been the first decoration to go out each fall.

The only pictures I have of the original garland (October 2004):

Since our move, I have found our new porch is much longer than our previous one, and so I have made new garland for it.  I truly missed putting it out last year, but we had just moved in and unpacking kept us busy. I never had the time to make a new one.  This year I decided it would be my one new piece of fall decoration.  I found some smaller grapevine garland on ebay, then waited until Michael's had fall leaf garlands on sale for 50% off.  Then I picked up the gourds at Hobby Lobby once they started their 50% off fall decor sale. 

I kept the garland more simple this year.  I wrapped the grapevine in leaves, used raffia left over from my sister's wedding decorations, and secured it to the vine.  I then added pumpkins.  My Husband installed the hanging hooks on the front porch so I could hang our new fall garland.  He then asked if I was going to put garland around the door, unfortunately not this year, but maybe in the future.  My Husband loved the leaf colors I picked and really thought it complemented the color of our home.

Here is the new Garland:

With the porch complete I decided to re-purpose the old garland.  I stripped it down into individual pieces.  Next, I rummaged through more left over supplies from my sister's fall reception.  My Mom gave me
all the leftover stuff, or stuff that she didn't have a use for.   I added it to the grapevine garland (which I had to trim down a bit to fit my mantle).  I then added the new garland to my mantel and it looks wonderful.   I'm now in the mood for a romantic cuddle with my Honey next to the fireplace on a brisk fall evening. 


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